
Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. I loved listening to you play. I love music in general the way the all the different notes weave together to make one fluid sound. You have definitely mastered the violin. Your playing was impeccable. I do think that it sounded very rehearsed though. There was not much emotion behind the playing. Emotion is very important to me, it's stronger than the physical world and I felt like it was lacking from your song.

  2. You create beautiful works!! Your music is very upbeat. You have great talent! I have only heard a couple songs though. What I can critic is, maybe you could slow down a bit. give listeners a chance to process the beautiful sounds!

  3. You’re an exquisite artist who beholds a lot of talent. I loved listening to the piece you played titled “The Lark Ascending” which you combined with Ginette Neveu. You have a way of putting elegance into your music with a slight tint of the unknown and a smudge of an unidentifiable harrowing source of some sort. I view you as a respectable woman and definitely judge you well. I must agree with Wassily, though. I would have liked to see your art have more of an impact on me as a person and really would have liked to see it move me emotionally as a person. None the less, my original judgment sticks.
