
Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. You are certainly an intriguing character miss Marie Hall! Determination, dedication and commitment are all ways in which we, as artist, are very similar. Not only that, but you, like I, grew up in a life of Poverty. A life that didn't give us everything on a silver platter like some. And yet, you know are a gargantuan figure in the music world as I in the fashion world. We also both began our careers at a very young age! I adore how you also are so passionate about your arts! It's always a pleasure getting to meet someone who loves their work as much as I loved mine. It has been a delight to be privileged to read your interview and learn about you. There are a-lot of women who struggled and fail to make a name for themselves in our life-time. But you did. And for that I sincerely commend you.

  2. I can tell you are truly passionate about the violin. We do not have much in common when it comes to our actual work. But one thing we have in common is our dedication. The way you speak about your music it seems like it is a need, that you wouldn't be complete without it. That is the way i feel about painting. When I am not working on something I feel pointless as I imagine you do when you aren't playing your violin.

  3. Well, Hello!We dont really have similarities. One I can say is we both had a career start at a young age. I read in your interview that your father was also a musician. Well my father was a part time painter and i feel that also gave me the push to become an artist. I guess our fathers play a big part to our careers!
